Non-Medical Comfort Measures For Birth

Even if you are planning to have an epidural, you will be labouring for a bit on your own at home before coming to the hospital.  This course can give you the tools and techniques to stay home longer and possibly avoid unnecessary medical interventions that can happen when you get admitted to the hospital too early.  

These methods of comfort can also allow you to avoid going to the hospital too early and possibly being sent home to wait or going for a walk around the hospital, which I can assure you, will only raise your anxiety levels.  

What To Expect

  • Relaxation & Self Hypnosis

    I will cover with you the basics of hypnosis for birth as well as removing fear from your birthing and creating within your body and mind a sense of calm through various relaxation techniques including breathing for labour and birth.

  • Non-Medical Comfort Measures

    I will show you through, discussion and video various techniques for achieving comfort during your birth including position changes, use of water in birth, massage and other easy to manage tools you can use.

  • Tips & Guides For Support People

    With a discussion and printable handouts, I will offer a guide to your support people on how to help you during your birth. Basically help them become your doula. These useful techniques and things to watch out for can help make them feel more involved in the birth and more helpful to you.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome To Relaxation & Comfort Measures For Labour

  • 2


    • Handouts

  • 3

    Relaxation & Self Hypnosis

    • Why Hypnosis Works

    • Breathing For Contractions

    • Rainbow Relaxation Audio File

    • Rainbow Relaxation Script

  • 4

    Physical Comfort Measures

    • Physical Comfort Measures

    • Creating A Relaxing Birth Environment